Tuesday, 26 April 2016

10 Questions

In the platform game, name one thing you learned during its development.  

I Learned how to use game maker since the platform game was my 1st i had made and this allowed me to get used to using it.

In the maze game name one thing you learned during this assignment

In the maze game it allowed me to experiment with some new ideas. Creating the game was not the challenge. I had to recreate the game to a semi working standard because i had lost all of the internal files inside the game but this taught me how to work under pressure and to a deadline (which i met)

Did you learn any maths during this experience?

I did not learn any new math skills however it did refresh my memory.

Do you think you gained any maths when you did any puzzles for the maze game? 

No i did not gain any new math skills because they were all things i came up with by myself so i had to know the answers and formula to them.

How do you rate your maths?

7/10 because at this moment maths is just becoming really easy for me and if i had the chance to redo my maths GCSE i could comfortably get a B.

How hard did you find the maths during these assignments

I found the mouths really easy because the majority of the problems i had faced mainly included decimals and coordinates. 

Do you think your opinion’s towards maths has changed

My opinion has not changed towards it because it is still the most dull subject in my opinion.