this is my 1st sketch the yellow circle is where you start. The red shapes you see are enemies and that is whjere they were all supposed to start. The white squares are where the walls were going to be but i got carried away and made a lot more walls and when i tried this i felt it was to easy. my youtube clip for showing all my sprites my youtube clip showing my objects my youtube clip of me evaluating my own game
I asked my brother to play and he said this. "the game is simple and it has lots of issues such as being able to only move up down left and right". I didn't think it was a major issue but i will look into adding a diagonal movement as well. Also i'm hoping to add a way too increase your speed as you move. I asked him on the how well the music fit the background walls sprites etc. He said " the music seemed to be quite comedic like the stuff you'd hear in a cartoon". He felt like it didn't fit very well but he also said he enjoyed it because it felt energetic. I asked him what he thought of the other sounds " the sounds was quite funny but there wasn't very much sounds for the game". I plan on adding more sounds such as when you collide with wall and squelch sound when you eat a shape. I asked if he found any issues with the sprites "the triangle is hard to see" this is due to the lighting engine so i'm going to have to consider creating a new brighter colored sprite for the triangle. I asked if he could change on thing in the game what'd be he said he'd make the game more difficult a such as more enemy's and more orbs.
3 things i am definitely going to improve
i'm going to improve the the difficulty of the levels.(more orbs, better orb positioning)
i'm going to improve the sounds (more sound effects such as destroying a enemy)
i'm going to update and improve the sprites to compensate for the new lighting engine. (making them brighter)
how to play
up arrow=move up
down arrow=move down
left arrow move left
right arrow= move right
to win this game you will need to either eat all the orbs or destroy the enemies.
you can only eat the orbs if you stay as the starting shape.
to eat the other shapes you need to move to the flashing shapes.
to eat the triangle you have to become a triangle
to eat a pentagon you have to be a pentagon
to eat a square you need to become a square
to eat a cross you have to become a cross
to eat a circle you have to become a circle (2nd level only)
there are 2 ways to win collect all the orbs or destroy all other shapes.
The unkillablemob sprite cannot be need to avoid it otherwise it takes you back to the 1st level even if you are on the 2nd level.
the cross tools can pass through walls for added difficults
the circles also can pass through walls and they move at a higher speed so expect it to be difficult.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
planned concept art of my game (josh's assignment)
name: kurt bremner BRIEF...
TASK: Using your clients brief(Wayne's one) create your own brief and create imaginative concept art for your specific game.
Wayne's brief: Come up with your own design brief, it should have at least 5 levels or rooms and one main character and several monsters to avoid.
My brief: Create a puzzle platform game where you are trying to get to something
My idea: You play as a evil ghost who is on a journey to return to Frostmourne( a super powerful weapon which can suck out souls) the ghost wants to return because the owner promises him great power. Later on in the story you find that the owner and the sword have been destroyed and then you have to evade the "good guys".
This is the main sprite what you play it's called terry the terror
I plan to have 3 boss fights
1 fight is against a boss which will follow you and will kill you if you if it touches you.
the 2nd is where you have to avoid projectiles fired at you from another boss and the last combines them both.
1st boss fight will chase you at a faster speed than you do you have out maneuver it to avoid being killed instantly.
The 2nd boss fight will throw axes at you and if they touch you you will die. i also plan on making the axes bounce of walls.
The 3rd boss i'm still working on but i want it to have all of the properties of the 1st 2 and one secret unique ability
Other "bad guys" Depending on if i am continuing with this game there are a huge amount of things i could add but for now i only plan on adding and additional 2 sprites for now which are a normal soldier you have to jump over and not go near and the other sprites will be one which fires slow projectiles which are easily dodged.
I plan on making different skins for sprites excluding the main one for different maps. For example having a grassy or a mud color enemy in a forest area but using the same sprite with different colors in a snow area like dark grey and white.
The 1st level is going to be in a memorable background from a area in world of warcraft(any person who has played it should recognize it) however as the story progresses i will use other backgrounds to show where they (all from world of Warcraft).. I also plan to use different setting (forest, mountain ,city ETC) I am debating on whether i should draw my own backgrounds or use backgrounds from other games.
The blocks what you'd stand on will also change color depending on the map you're on, Like with the sprites will color will vary depending on the environment but i plan on keeping the block the same shape and design.
It is important to stick with your concept art to the best of your ability but i understand that this is not always possible and if you are creating a game you should be prepared for inevitable changes in the game. Such as adjusting gameplay mechanics if a sprite is impossible to get past (for example if it is too big or fires to many projectiles). The other reasons to try to stick with your concept art is to prevent any confusion with yourself or your team and it may take less time to develop the game which could be crucial if you have to work to deadlines set by the group or by your contractors.
Because my game is entirely based off the world of Warcraft universe so this game will have to be purely for my own entertainment because i am not sure whether if i was ever to publish this(which i won't) would be breaking the copy write law.
Due to my limited resources and experience the game i'm making will have to look like a mix of these artistic styles (exaggerated background and pixelated sprites).
Since this is created on gamemaker you will not need a powerful computer to run this game so all computers would be able to run this.
The load up screen i'll create myself and it shall feature at least 3 buttons, controls, a short paragraph of the story and the game. Each of these will split up into sub menu's except with the controls . I plan to add a more detailed version of the story in the story section. I plan to add a different difficulty levels at some point.
There will be traps for you to jump over aswell as monsters to avoid which will also have a different color depending on the environment you're in.
TASK: Using your clients brief(Wayne's one) create your own brief and create imaginative concept art for your specific game.
Wayne's brief: Come up with your own design brief, it should have at least 5 levels or rooms and one main character and several monsters to avoid.
My brief: Create a puzzle platform game where you are trying to get to something
Name: Legacy of the Lich king
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1st try at creating the main sprite for the game |
I plan to have 3 boss fights
1 fight is against a boss which will follow you and will kill you if you if it touches you.
the 2nd is where you have to avoid projectiles fired at you from another boss and the last combines them both.
1st boss fight will chase you at a faster speed than you do you have out maneuver it to avoid being killed instantly.
The 2nd boss fight will throw axes at you and if they touch you you will die. i also plan on making the axes bounce of walls.
The 3rd boss i'm still working on but i want it to have all of the properties of the 1st 2 and one secret unique ability
Other "bad guys" Depending on if i am continuing with this game there are a huge amount of things i could add but for now i only plan on adding and additional 2 sprites for now which are a normal soldier you have to jump over and not go near and the other sprites will be one which fires slow projectiles which are easily dodged.
I plan on making different skins for sprites excluding the main one for different maps. For example having a grassy or a mud color enemy in a forest area but using the same sprite with different colors in a snow area like dark grey and white.
I plan on recreating the image of this to use as a projectile in a boss fight |
The 1st level is going to be in a memorable background from a area in world of warcraft(any person who has played it should recognize it) however as the story progresses i will use other backgrounds to show where they (all from world of Warcraft).. I also plan to use different setting (forest, mountain ,city ETC) I am debating on whether i should draw my own backgrounds or use backgrounds from other games.
The blocks what you'd stand on will also change color depending on the map you're on, Like with the sprites will color will vary depending on the environment but i plan on keeping the block the same shape and design.
It is important to stick with your concept art to the best of your ability but i understand that this is not always possible and if you are creating a game you should be prepared for inevitable changes in the game. Such as adjusting gameplay mechanics if a sprite is impossible to get past (for example if it is too big or fires to many projectiles). The other reasons to try to stick with your concept art is to prevent any confusion with yourself or your team and it may take less time to develop the game which could be crucial if you have to work to deadlines set by the group or by your contractors.
Because my game is entirely based off the world of Warcraft universe so this game will have to be purely for my own entertainment because i am not sure whether if i was ever to publish this(which i won't) would be breaking the copy write law.
Due to my limited resources and experience the game i'm making will have to look like a mix of these artistic styles (exaggerated background and pixelated sprites).
Since this is created on gamemaker you will not need a powerful computer to run this game so all computers would be able to run this.
The load up screen i'll create myself and it shall feature at least 3 buttons, controls, a short paragraph of the story and the game. Each of these will split up into sub menu's except with the controls . I plan to add a more detailed version of the story in the story section. I plan to add a different difficulty levels at some point.
![]() |
this is a piece of concept art for my game and the boss will throw these projectiles at you. |
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this is a similar background to what i'm going to use with me obviously adding games |
I plan to recreate this guy known as Garrosh Hellscream as a boss in my game. |
There will be traps for you to jump over aswell as monsters to avoid which will also have a different color depending on the environment you're in.
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here is a idea i have for a sprite what you'll have to avoid. If i was going to make something like this it would just be a simple sprite what you'd have jump over or avoid. |
rofl waffle
types of images
raster images
JPEG images
JPEG is a common way of compressing digital images because you can alter the level of compression with them JPEG( joint photographic experts group). JPEG is the most common way for transmitting and storing images from the web
TIFF images
TIFF(tagged image file format)
Monday, 26 October 2015
Unit 1: Pre Production Techniques For The Creative Media Industries
Unit 1: Pre Production Techniques For The Creative Media Industries
When creating a game there is a cycle you should execute and follow this cycle.
You should communicate your aims and objective. To this effectively you should make priorities and share these with your colleagues
pre production.during the process of pre production is to get your team ready and form a schedule for the team with your goals and design in mind.
during the production of the game need to prepare for inevitable changes and adapt to them in the shortest time possible
when you release the game you need to finish certifying things
once the game has been released you need to get support for the game
In order to create computer game you will need a computer(obviously).
the average cost of a budget gaming computer is roughly £388.15 not including monitor and keyboard and mouse ETC. I may not need a gaming computer to run the game i am making but if i'm to make a game with the unreal engine i will have to have a good enough computer to run it.
The cost of a mouse and keyboard will vary depending on what and where you buy it fro. The minimum cost of a mouse is usually £10 but it does vary. The keyboard is usually a little more than the mouse £12 The mouse and key board are examples of peripherals some more examples include speakers, a mic and webcams. Once again the price vary's on quality.
Development kits help the creators of game by speeding up some processes in the computer. The price vary's on quality. I've seen them go for about £20 but can go into the thousands.
UDK is free to download and is free whilst you're developing the game. Once you publish a game with this software you're required to pay a US $99.99 royalty bearing licence. If you earn $60000 you will need to pay $2500.
Unity is free to download but in order to access all options you must get the professional edition which is $75 a month.
I'm creating my game on game maker. This is free to download but there are a further 2 editions. (professional and master) professional comes with more features than the standard. And the master has them all.
the professional edition costs $149.99
the master edition costs $799.99
Maya is subscription based. $145 a month $1160 a year
To submit a game in steam greenlight you will need to pay $100. It was raised to $100 to stop the numerous fake games anybody who is serious about there game could afford this.
The can vary to publish a game on id@Xbox is roughly £3000.
To publish a game on PSN it on average is $2500(PS3) but generally ranges from $1000 to $10000
If you publish a game through apple it requires a annual fee of $100
Self Financing
Self funding is where you spend your money what you earn to fund the game and build it all up.
Ths can be be quite risky because you could create a game and no one would like it even after soending large amounts on software and hardware ETC. The majority of people will work on this after work in spare time which reduces the potential risk of financial issues.
Indie Funding And Crowd Funding
Most indie games are self funded, However the "indie fund" is a group set up to help indie independent developers with finance.
Crowd funding is where you get people to look at a product and they could donate a small amount of money from a large amount of people. Normally over internet and through kickstarter.
The creators of the UDK also give grant if they believe your prototype is worth a look into and would give the grant to further develop and improve your product.
Publisher Funding
Publisher funding is generally for the larger games where you have a whole team and have some kind of successful game before hand as they are reluctant to take major financial risks. The Pro's of this is that they would take all the financial risk however they would probably take full credit for the game and would own a part of the game and will only continue funding if you meet the deadlines.
A deadline is a specific time set for something to be completed in. If you cannot complete this by the time set then it could get you into trouble with employees and drop your whole team behind in work. Not only should you have a deadline for completing a game you should also have smaller deadlines for individual tasks like coding and creating the sprites. Try to complete the work as soon as possible so you can check the game for bugs and by completing this early will allow you to fix the bugs and improve the game in other ways. Once the game is completed it would be wise to keep all your ideas so you can continue on creating another game with better experience than what you started with.
Availability of Equipment
If you're working in a team to create a game it may help you financially because if you're devoting every minute of everyday on it there will be no time for a job therefore any money what they've accumulated may be enough for some better hardware/software. This could be a disadvantage for those people who are making a game by themselves.
Availability of Personnel
If a member of your team is ill(which will inevitably happen) you will need to compensate for there loss. If you're working in a team you could have somebody else working with them(depending on the size of the team). If it's a large team then you might be able to make up for his loss easier but if you're working by yourself you may have to push yourself much harder to make up for this or extend the deadline which can be damaging.
Timescale Clearances
Time scale clearances is where your finished product needs to get tested. I'm not sure whether your team or producer has to test this(i'm pretty sure he/she has to look over it to point out flaws or improvements at some time though). However in some cases the police/government has to test this to make sure it doesn't have and major controversial scenes which could determine the age rating.
How I Will Manage The Time Spent On My Game
The 1st thing i would do is think about the most important aspects of the game and then break down to major aspects into multiple smaller ones.
If i end up working in a group i will assign them each a element of the game and expect them to complete it in the set deadline. To help with this i will do regular check up on the group so i know how far they are into the project to monitor progress
I will have to create a schedule on do 1st. Such as designing sprites ETC. I will have to take into account on whether a person is sick as i said before the impact could possibly be lessened if you're in a group.
Job Roles
In Games Design
They create animations for sprites. They need to have experience with 2D and 3D animation techniques. They make the characters look more realistic with facial expressions ETC. This would be a good with the game i'm creating because i can experiment with different styles of movement depending on the sprite i'm using.
Assistant Producer
The main role of the assistant producer is to make sure everything is completed on time(met the deadline). As a assistant producer you need to be able to motivate your team and work under pressure coping with unexpected problems and dealing with them.
Audio Engineer
The audio engineer creates the soundtrack for the game and all the sound effects. They will also do character voices. I will need to have this on a game to make the game have a lively feel to it. For example trees rustling if you're in a forest or people speaking if you're in a city.
Creative Director
The creative director is responsible for the major decisions on the games look and feel to it. One of the roles is to point out places what people can improve on. You need to be quite artistic to have this role with experience. It is also partly responsible for whether it meets the deadline.
Games Designer
The games designer is a role which is best suited to be. The game designer is essentially the backbone of the whole team. It's job is to think of the overall idea for the game and to be able to communicate your idea to the people who work on the art and coding. I feel this is my role because it requires good narrative and story telling skills. and i can use a lot of my imagination in creating the game.
Games Programmer
A games programmer does the coding which make all the sprites react in a certain way for example pressing W will move a sprite forward (vary's through platforms) Aside from creating movement they'd also fix bugs in the game later on.
Games Artist
(concept art)
A games artist will create all the visual things in the game. There ideas are normally hand drawn and then created on software. They will create the vehicles, sprites,backgrounds and other items.
Lead Artist
The lead artist is responsible for the overall look of the game. As a lead artist you should try to stick to your chosen artistic style because depending on what you're doing switching in the middle of a game may not be a good idea.
Lead Programmer
As a lead programmer your job is lead the programmers and make sure the coding is done on time.
Level Editor
The job of level editor is to create things like buildings,the landscape and objects. They possibly have the most freedom because they only really have to stick to the main design given to them by the game designer but other than that they can create the map out of there own imagination.
Marketing Executive
These are in charge of promoting your product. Like advertisements and campaigns what you'd use.
Marketing Manager
The role of the marketing manager is to create the adverts and campaign necessary to promote your product.
Product Manager
The role of a product manager is help maximize sales by improving the marketing campaigns. It is important that they work with the marketing manager and marketing executives.
Public Relations Officer
Your role as a public relations officer is to monitor what the public think about you and to plan speeches/ interviews with people to gain information and to spread the word about your game.
QA Tester
The role of a QA tester is to test the game to find any bugs so the team can fix them before it goes public. They also suggest improvements what can be made to the game.
What Roles Will I Do In My Game
With my current game i'm using Game maker and i'm working by myself. I will have to do all of the following jobs except marketing executive and Product manager because i do not plan to sell the game. I've had little experience in making a game so i expect there to be a lot of flaws.However i have good story telling abilities and i believe i have a good imagination I can only improve the more i do things though. I'm normally available unless i'm too ill to get out of bed. The game will be made on free software since i'm not planning on publishing it.
When i make a game i will end up up using and because they may make creating the game easier. I do hope to use a mixture of my skills and the websites. I hope to create some of my own sounds and art eventually. For the research i will need the internet because i can look at ratings people have given to games and make up for what they have not done or make what they have done better. I'm a terrible drawer but i think my skills at creating something written by far a surpass my artistic skills so creating a script and dialogue may be easier for me.
For the game i'm currently making i plan to do most of the voices myself with some help of friends. But popular game franchises can hire voice actors to use in their game and hire professionals to help with the game mechanics. Successful game franchises like the elder scrolls series probably used professionals with the combat mechanics like how people used to use the weapons. The same goes with call of duty they use a military adviser to help with creating scenarios in the game.
Codes Of Practice
When creating a advertisement for a game you will need to consider a lot of things when creating.such as if i would offend anyone if it contains any violence of offensive terms. the ASA will monitor these and will act on complaints made against you.
PEGI informs people of the content in the game which determins what age this game is meant to be for.
You get a PEGI rating based on how much and how extreme these things are.
Bad language
Online game
Obviously the more of these you have the higher the PEGI rating is.
You should communicate your aims and objective. To this effectively you should make priorities and share these with your colleagues
pre production.during the process of pre production is to get your team ready and form a schedule for the team with your goals and design in mind.
during the production of the game need to prepare for inevitable changes and adapt to them in the shortest time possible
when you release the game you need to finish certifying things
once the game has been released you need to get support for the game
In order to create computer game you will need a computer(obviously).
the average cost of a budget gaming computer is roughly £388.15 not including monitor and keyboard and mouse ETC. I may not need a gaming computer to run the game i am making but if i'm to make a game with the unreal engine i will have to have a good enough computer to run it.
The cost of a mouse and keyboard will vary depending on what and where you buy it fro. The minimum cost of a mouse is usually £10 but it does vary. The keyboard is usually a little more than the mouse £12 The mouse and key board are examples of peripherals some more examples include speakers, a mic and webcams. Once again the price vary's on quality.
Development kits help the creators of game by speeding up some processes in the computer. The price vary's on quality. I've seen them go for about £20 but can go into the thousands.
UDK is free to download and is free whilst you're developing the game. Once you publish a game with this software you're required to pay a US $99.99 royalty bearing licence. If you earn $60000 you will need to pay $2500.
Unity is free to download but in order to access all options you must get the professional edition which is $75 a month.
I'm creating my game on game maker. This is free to download but there are a further 2 editions. (professional and master) professional comes with more features than the standard. And the master has them all.
the professional edition costs $149.99
the master edition costs $799.99
Maya is subscription based. $145 a month $1160 a year
To submit a game in steam greenlight you will need to pay $100. It was raised to $100 to stop the numerous fake games anybody who is serious about there game could afford this.
The can vary to publish a game on id@Xbox is roughly £3000.
To publish a game on PSN it on average is $2500(PS3) but generally ranges from $1000 to $10000
If you publish a game through apple it requires a annual fee of $100
Self Financing
Self funding is where you spend your money what you earn to fund the game and build it all up.
Ths can be be quite risky because you could create a game and no one would like it even after soending large amounts on software and hardware ETC. The majority of people will work on this after work in spare time which reduces the potential risk of financial issues.
Indie Funding And Crowd Funding
Most indie games are self funded, However the "indie fund" is a group set up to help indie independent developers with finance.
Crowd funding is where you get people to look at a product and they could donate a small amount of money from a large amount of people. Normally over internet and through kickstarter.
The creators of the UDK also give grant if they believe your prototype is worth a look into and would give the grant to further develop and improve your product.
Publisher Funding
Publisher funding is generally for the larger games where you have a whole team and have some kind of successful game before hand as they are reluctant to take major financial risks. The Pro's of this is that they would take all the financial risk however they would probably take full credit for the game and would own a part of the game and will only continue funding if you meet the deadlines.
A deadline is a specific time set for something to be completed in. If you cannot complete this by the time set then it could get you into trouble with employees and drop your whole team behind in work. Not only should you have a deadline for completing a game you should also have smaller deadlines for individual tasks like coding and creating the sprites. Try to complete the work as soon as possible so you can check the game for bugs and by completing this early will allow you to fix the bugs and improve the game in other ways. Once the game is completed it would be wise to keep all your ideas so you can continue on creating another game with better experience than what you started with.
Availability of Equipment
If you're working in a team to create a game it may help you financially because if you're devoting every minute of everyday on it there will be no time for a job therefore any money what they've accumulated may be enough for some better hardware/software. This could be a disadvantage for those people who are making a game by themselves.
Availability of Personnel
If a member of your team is ill(which will inevitably happen) you will need to compensate for there loss. If you're working in a team you could have somebody else working with them(depending on the size of the team). If it's a large team then you might be able to make up for his loss easier but if you're working by yourself you may have to push yourself much harder to make up for this or extend the deadline which can be damaging.
Timescale Clearances
Time scale clearances is where your finished product needs to get tested. I'm not sure whether your team or producer has to test this(i'm pretty sure he/she has to look over it to point out flaws or improvements at some time though). However in some cases the police/government has to test this to make sure it doesn't have and major controversial scenes which could determine the age rating.
How I Will Manage The Time Spent On My Game
The 1st thing i would do is think about the most important aspects of the game and then break down to major aspects into multiple smaller ones.
If i end up working in a group i will assign them each a element of the game and expect them to complete it in the set deadline. To help with this i will do regular check up on the group so i know how far they are into the project to monitor progress
I will have to create a schedule on do 1st. Such as designing sprites ETC. I will have to take into account on whether a person is sick as i said before the impact could possibly be lessened if you're in a group.
Job Roles
In Games Design
They create animations for sprites. They need to have experience with 2D and 3D animation techniques. They make the characters look more realistic with facial expressions ETC. This would be a good with the game i'm creating because i can experiment with different styles of movement depending on the sprite i'm using.
Assistant Producer
The main role of the assistant producer is to make sure everything is completed on time(met the deadline). As a assistant producer you need to be able to motivate your team and work under pressure coping with unexpected problems and dealing with them.
Audio Engineer
The audio engineer creates the soundtrack for the game and all the sound effects. They will also do character voices. I will need to have this on a game to make the game have a lively feel to it. For example trees rustling if you're in a forest or people speaking if you're in a city.
Creative Director
The creative director is responsible for the major decisions on the games look and feel to it. One of the roles is to point out places what people can improve on. You need to be quite artistic to have this role with experience. It is also partly responsible for whether it meets the deadline.
Games Designer
The games designer is a role which is best suited to be. The game designer is essentially the backbone of the whole team. It's job is to think of the overall idea for the game and to be able to communicate your idea to the people who work on the art and coding. I feel this is my role because it requires good narrative and story telling skills. and i can use a lot of my imagination in creating the game.
Games Programmer
A games programmer does the coding which make all the sprites react in a certain way for example pressing W will move a sprite forward (vary's through platforms) Aside from creating movement they'd also fix bugs in the game later on.
Games Artist
(concept art)
A games artist will create all the visual things in the game. There ideas are normally hand drawn and then created on software. They will create the vehicles, sprites,backgrounds and other items.
Lead Artist
The lead artist is responsible for the overall look of the game. As a lead artist you should try to stick to your chosen artistic style because depending on what you're doing switching in the middle of a game may not be a good idea.
Lead Programmer
As a lead programmer your job is lead the programmers and make sure the coding is done on time.
Level Editor
The job of level editor is to create things like buildings,the landscape and objects. They possibly have the most freedom because they only really have to stick to the main design given to them by the game designer but other than that they can create the map out of there own imagination.
Marketing Executive
These are in charge of promoting your product. Like advertisements and campaigns what you'd use.
Marketing Manager
The role of the marketing manager is to create the adverts and campaign necessary to promote your product.
Product Manager
The role of a product manager is help maximize sales by improving the marketing campaigns. It is important that they work with the marketing manager and marketing executives.
Public Relations Officer
Your role as a public relations officer is to monitor what the public think about you and to plan speeches/ interviews with people to gain information and to spread the word about your game.
QA Tester
The role of a QA tester is to test the game to find any bugs so the team can fix them before it goes public. They also suggest improvements what can be made to the game.
What Roles Will I Do In My Game
With my current game i'm using Game maker and i'm working by myself. I will have to do all of the following jobs except marketing executive and Product manager because i do not plan to sell the game. I've had little experience in making a game so i expect there to be a lot of flaws.However i have good story telling abilities and i believe i have a good imagination I can only improve the more i do things though. I'm normally available unless i'm too ill to get out of bed. The game will be made on free software since i'm not planning on publishing it.
When i make a game i will end up up using and because they may make creating the game easier. I do hope to use a mixture of my skills and the websites. I hope to create some of my own sounds and art eventually. For the research i will need the internet because i can look at ratings people have given to games and make up for what they have not done or make what they have done better. I'm a terrible drawer but i think my skills at creating something written by far a surpass my artistic skills so creating a script and dialogue may be easier for me.
For the game i'm currently making i plan to do most of the voices myself with some help of friends. But popular game franchises can hire voice actors to use in their game and hire professionals to help with the game mechanics. Successful game franchises like the elder scrolls series probably used professionals with the combat mechanics like how people used to use the weapons. The same goes with call of duty they use a military adviser to help with creating scenarios in the game.
Codes Of Practice
When creating a advertisement for a game you will need to consider a lot of things when creating.such as if i would offend anyone if it contains any violence of offensive terms. the ASA will monitor these and will act on complaints made against you.
PEGI informs people of the content in the game which determins what age this game is meant to be for.
You get a PEGI rating based on how much and how extreme these things are.
Bad language
Online game
Obviously the more of these you have the higher the PEGI rating is.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Concept art
Concept Art
Concept art is the idea of a game character, background and/or items. It normally is a sketch of what you want it to look like but they can also be
created on programs on your computer like Photoshop , paint or hand drawn images. They are only designs and not the final version but they resemble the object/character somewhat to the finished version.
This is concept art to a boss in World of Warcraft. There is also concept art for the weapon(on the left) which you can get by defeating the boss
This is also concept art for the ice giants in world of Warcraft. This also tells you small descriptions on what the boss looks like.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Unit:78 digital graphics for computer graphics P1
Kurt Bremner date started 28th September deadline 5th november UNIT 78 computer games graphics
assignment task:compare and contrast the digital graphics of at least 2 games. One must be 2D and the other 3D
The difference between a 2D game and 3D game is that it feels like the object has a shape is distinguishable by shadows and lighting ETC.
2D game: the original super Mario bros game.
This Mario game was made in 1985 and was a sequel to the 1983 Mario bros game and was created for the NES. ATARI and nintendo this game is a 8 bit platform game and as a result it is pixelated. Most games produced in this era were 2D games because the computers struggled to played them. Another example of 2D pixelated game is donkey Kong. Ironically you also play as a pixelated Mario to stop donkey Kong and rescue his girlfriend.
Donkey Kong was released in 1981 by Nintendo
Pixelated games look like they are made out tiny squares but they're not. you can tell when a game style is pixelated because of the flat looking sprites (character/objects) and the blocky looking graphics and flat looking backgrounds. |
I'm sure that you'd agree that the background for Mario is easily memorable because of it's bright backgrounds and green tubes dotted around the map. This may be because the feel of the backgrounds have never changed throughout the lifespan of the franchise. The same goes for the music the link below is to the theme song of Mario.
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This is the original box art for the super Mario bros |
To your right------------------------------------------------- is the original super Mario case which i believe is a good case because it shows the characters and does not try to lie to you about what the game looks like. I think that a game which has a 3d background should be a 3d game and the same goes for 2d games. People may be dissapointed by a game having a 3d background but 2d environments and sprites.
WORD OF NOTE: super Mario bros was the best selling video game for over 3 decades until it was replaced by the Wii sports. it has sold more the 40 million copies world wide.
The creators of both game would of used some kind of compression on the files. (compression is simply making the file smaller)
Image capture: They would not be able to capture images for the 2D games because they would've been hand drawn. They might capture images in 3D games with a digital camera, screenshot or a video recorder.
Game 2: 3D: Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor. |
Shadow of mordor is a open world action,adventure game where you play as a ranger killed by the "black hand of sauron". The objective is to avenge your family's and lovers death.
This game has hack and slash and stealth mechanics but it is no doubt a action/adventure game. This game was released in October 3rd 2014.
Another example of a 3D game is Dungeon defenders. It is a role player. tower defense game and also with RPG elements. The aim of the game is to defend against a army of monsters.
This is a cel shaded game and runs on the unreal 3 engine. |
The majority of the games released on the most recent consoles will probably 64 bit because of technological advancement over the past decade.
This is a photo realistic game (a game which tries to look as realistic as possible) because i believe it does not look like a cartoon or something from a anime. I think this way because it is a dark game and does not have the classic bright and vibrant colors and sharp angled faces. | |
A raster images was probably used in the creation of this game as well. But i doubt it'd be a JPEG because it may not be big enough data for this image. It was probably a TIFF they used because they are uncompressed therefore can store a lot of detailed data they are flexible in terms of color and content .
Thursday, 1 October 2015
unit 22 + 72 assignment
unit 72 and 22 kurt bremner
Genre: horror
description: Games like outlast are designed to be a dark and scary environment and i'd expect numerous scares from this style of game. Like avoiding monsters and traps. However you also your horror/hack slash games like dead island/dead rising. They're Gory and quite creative in how you kill them. The favorite villains in those type of games are zombies and madmen. You also get the games which are in middle of these sub genre's like dead space and the evil within
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The MMO genre are games like world of Warcraft and elder scrolls online. the aims change regularly but in each MMO game people try to get the best equipment as possible and beat the newer more difficult boss which gives you better things than what the previous one does. There are normally options of PVP (player vs player) where you compete against other players for victory, and in the best MMO games you have PVE(player vs everything) this ranges from fighting bosses to doing quests.
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A angel fallen from heaven has crashed into a old cathedral. his sword has been shattered and later on you have recover the pieces to restore his memory. Once his memory has been recovered he warns that the end times is coming and that the lord of terror diablo is plotting his return with the help of 2 other lords of hell which are belial the lord of lies and azmodan the lord of sin. once you defeat both of them begins to siege heaven and almost completely destroy it but it's up to you to stop him...
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in sandbox games you have a fast open world to explore and find secrets in the game. Minecraft is no stranger to this this game has a vast open world where you can explore a world randomly generated each time you create a new game. Your aim is to defeat the bosses, create a strong base and upgrade your equipment. You can play split screen on Xbox with up to 4 players or you can go on online servers.
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RPG (not a rocket propelled grenade)
The majority of the RPG games are set in a fantasy worlds with multiple races fighting with bows swords and full plated armor. With the exceptions a few like GTA and fallout
Elder scrolls 5 skyrim is set in fantasy world called tamriel and you play as the "dragonborn" . your aim in this game is the stop alduin the world eater from destroying the world or eating it... You will fight against a large array of enemies including dragons. You can be a evil thief or assassin. You can start a war and choose what side to be on. and you can take an arrow to the knee.(get married) or you can got shot in the knee by an arrow depending on how you look at it. | ||||
FPS (first person shooter
Battlefield 4 has a huge 32 vs 32 multiplayer servers on xbox one,PS4 and PC. There are multiple game mode options . My favorite is conquest which is similar the call of duty's domination but on a far larger scale. In the campaign you play as sergeant recker and he needs to make his way back to the warship
Genre: horror | |
Genre: strategy
Description: In these games you control multiple units to take out the enemy units or capture their base. This can be from entire armies to a few select units.
The total war franchise specializes in using huge armies. These range from Mongolians to the Romans. Or a game like Warcraft 3 where you send multiple units to complete set objectives but you get heroes where you can use abilities to heal or damage allies and foes.
Description: In these games you control multiple units to take out the enemy units or capture their base. This can be from entire armies to a few select units.
The total war franchise specializes in using huge armies. These range from Mongolians to the Romans. Or a game like Warcraft 3 where you send multiple units to complete set objectives but you get heroes where you can use abilities to heal or damage allies and foes.
Genre: stealth
description: a large percentage of games has stealth mechanics. I have already listed some games which may give you the option of being a stealthy player such as evil within, rust, world of Warcraft GTA, day z and many more. However there are some games which were meant to be almost entirely stealth based. I few of these are Thief, dishonored and tom Clancy's splinter cell.
Concerns of excess playing time |
of excess playing are increasing throughout the media. Countries like South
Korea host tournaments where the players can play for over 50 hours and people
have been known to of died of heart attack in these. There have also been many
articles which suggests that it impacts on learning and social capabilities.
There are roughly 1.2 billion people playing games world wide and 700 million
of those games played are on online.
the ever increasing popularity of games being played there are fears that the
younger population will lack basic social skills in the future which could
impact on getting a job or having a negative impact on their social welfare.
The link below directs you to a social experiment which took place and it found
that the people who are addicted to gaming have less social skills than those
who do.
is not the only thing gaming costs, time is also at stake. In the link to the
article above they found that 93 out of the 564 people were addicted to games.
This is a concern to students and adults alike because if they spend a large
amount of time on games instead of doing homework or studying it will have a
negative impact on there learning which will result in lower paid job or
perhaps not a job at all depending on how addicted to gaming they are.
Separation from reality
goes together with social isolation. There have been many cases where people
have been trying to carryout scenes in a game this includes murder have theft.
The infamous Manhunt game which is banned in countries across the world. A 17
year old way convicted for murder and was thought to of been inspired by the
violent stealth based game in 2004.
Benefits of gaming
are surprisingly a huge amount of benefits and you may not expect these, for
example did you know that it’s helping to improve surgeons in particularly the
ones specialising in small incisions.
a study of laparoscopic (small incision)
specialists found that those who played for more than three hours per week made
32 percent fewer errors”
in addition to this it also helps people who
are suffering from autism and dyslexia “One
study has shown dyslexics improved their reading comprehension following
sessions of games heavy on action”
“Gamers using systems that incorporate the
entire body to control onscreen movement have been shown to be more engaged in
celebrating victories with their peers, which runs counter to the lack of
communication people with autism”
Thinking and strategy skills
army has been known to use very realistic combat simulation games to train
future officers. Also a certain amount of expertise may be needed in an Xbox
360 controller because the army also uses these to control there UAV’s and to
defuse bombs and probably a lot more things as well.
from the army there are many more skills you can get for example you earn the
skills to make faster decisions
“In one study, players who were immersed in
fast-paced games were 25 percent faster in reacting to questions about an image
they had just seen compared to non-players.”
Future impact
As the gaming industry develops games will
start to become more popular in countries which are developing at a fast rate
such as china and India. Where roughly 2.5 billion people live in both of them
combined. If the gaming industry became as big in China and India as it is in
the South Korea or even in the USA the game developers would be able to get a
huge amount of popularity and money.
Impact on “mainstream “application development
When there are a new generation of games being
produced the hardware also create something new and more advanced. Particularly
on the PC. However on the PlayStation and the Xbox there is not as much a
player can upgrade or change so instead they release the next generation of
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since you cannot see this properly i will explain what it is showing. I created this sketch on paint and it supposed to look rubbish because i don't have the experience to create a better version with drawing or any other art package. what is going on in that image is that the main character (natsu dragneel) is fighting jellal (villain) and zeref. making models on Photoshop is expensive because for the full retail version it is 1000 pounds from whereas paint is free. The disadvantages of using software like paint you are limited to what you can achieve with your models. If you seen what the models i made they look terrible but i can tell what they are. I was aiming for a pixelated game so it was in a way a success. The genre of this game is fighter. I plan to have over 50 characters. I have taken inspiration from the anime fairy tail and make it a similar game to Naruto ninja storm and mortal combat The background is going to be set in areas important to the anime such as their guild hall and other places relevant to the story. The character do not progress in campaign mode i want it to be like a mortal combat style game where you fight against foes with increasing difficulty until you face the bosses. The main character is called Natsu Dragneel. He is in a mystical world wherein there are magical guilds. Fairy tail is among the strongest. The leader is Makarov.. In this game the character do not progress as you fight against foes with increasing difficulty like mortal combat as mentioned above. There are arguably 5 other major characters in game (i could possibly make a mini campaign for each.) Natsu was raised by a dragon but at 7 years old the dragons all disappeared and he is on a quest of his own to find them. He uses fire dragon slayer magic (dragon slayer magic is a forbidden magic) and as a result he gets all kinds of trouble thrown at him from people who wants to use his power for evil. |
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